Dos and Don’ts in Bhutan


✓ Respect the local customs and traditions, including dress codes and etiquette in public places.
✓ Take off your shoes before entering temples, monasteries, and other sacred places.
✓ Ask for permission before taking photos of people or religious sites.
✓ Be mindful of your environment and avoid littering.
✓ Purchase locally made products to support the local economy.
✓ Try the local cuisine and experience the unique Bhutanese culture.
✓ Be open-minded and embrace the peaceful and spiritual nature of Bhutan.


🗴 Do not disturb the wildlife or feed them.
🗴 Do not touch religious artifacts or structures without permission.
🗴 Do not smoke in public areas or litter cigarette butts.
🗴 Do not disrespect the King or the Royal Family.
🗴 Do not engage in public displays of affection.
🗴 Do not wear revealing clothing or dress inappropriately for religious sites or public places.
🗴 Do not bargain or haggle in local markets or with street vendors as it is not customary in Bhutan.

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"A Herbal Journey in Bhutan and Beyond."
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